Geomine is capable of carrying out geological work on a single project basis, or as ongoing work that is outsourced on a regular basis, such as annual reconciliations, monthly reporting, generation of geological models, coal resources statements, training, etc. We can provide a cost-effective service, tailored to meet your needs.
The range of services provided directly by GEOMINE can be broadly categorised into the following areas:
Mine Geology and Operational Support Including Staff Coverage
Strong experience at a number of coal operations allows Geomine to add value to all aspects of mine geology, to work with your technical and operations personnel, and to make recommendations for improvements. Geomine is able to provide “hands-on” geological support to cover staff vacancies. Geomine has the capability to provide personnel including mine geologists, exploration geologists, senior geologists, and even geological managers. Engineering and survey staff are also available through our affiliates.
Coal Quality, Blending and Logistics
Geomine can offer advice and support for operational coal quality, coal blending, logistical and stockpile management functions. Geomine is able to competently liaise with your CHPP, mining and technical personnel to facilitate operational issues and help bring tailored solutions.
3D Geological Modelling in Vulcan and Minescape
We have both Vulcan and Minescape software licences and we can create geological models of your mine or deposit from your database. We have a strong track record using both these software products.
Coal Seam Correlation and Fault Interpretation
Coal seam and ply correlation is one of our core capabilities and has been demonstrated for numerous coal deposits. We also love to delve into fault and structural interpretation!
Geological Database Validation
Our geologists are highly experienced and well trained in good data management and validation practices which are the basis for ensuring database integrity and confidence in geological models. We call this type of work “forensic” geology because it often involves detailed investigation of the data to solve database issues.
JORC Compliant Resource Reporting
We have extensive experience and a track record of providing JORC compliant resource reporting. Our Principal Geologist, Marko Seppanen is a Competent Person for reporting JORC coal resources, is a member of AUSIMM, has and can sign off on resource statements for both open cut and underground coal resources.
Technical Audits and Due Diligence
Data reviews and technical audits and advice on the existing or planned, geological, exploration, coal quality, logistical or operational functions of coal mines. We can work with your existing team or can provide an independent audit service. We have also been asked to produce a series of geological mine site procedures for one of our major clients.
Training, Coaching and Mentoring of Geological Staff
Geomine is often involved in training of geological staff and other personnel in various geological aspects including operational mine geology, coal quality, grade control, logistics and stockpile management, exploration, geological interpretation, geological modelling, database management, etc. Geomine also has the experience and capability to provide coaching and mentoring of geological (and associated) staff at various levels within your organization. A training package can be tailored to your specific requirements.
Exploration Strategy, Planning & Implementation
Our team has a comprehensive background in planning and undertaking all aspects of exploration programs and can look after all of your needs in this area. We can work with you to plan your program/s, manage the teams involved and provide suitable geologists for the field components of the work.
Project Work
Having a wealth of experience at a range of mine sites and geological resource situations, Geomine specialises in operational and exploration project work. Geomine offers skills and experience that may not be available within your company’s technical team, or alternatively, if such skills are available, the high work load of technical personnel may require the outsourcing of some project work. Examples of this include site improvement projects, optimisation work, reconciliation of coal mining and washing performance, development of exploration strategies, etc.